Gone Fishing Coffee Cup Cozy


Gone Fishing Coffee Cup Cozy

Gone Fishing Coffee Cup Cozy
Gone Fishing Coffee Cup Cozy

"Time to grab a hook and snag a fish or crochet a fish! This project will take less than one hour to make. You will use small amounts of yarn. So you can use your scraps and be creative with your colors for the fish. All crochet stitches are explained in the pattern. There are two choices for how you will can put the fish on the cup cozy. Either at the end of a fishing pole or with three little bubbles. "


Crochet HookE/4 or 3.5 mm hook, G/6 or 4 mm hook, H/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge7 stitches = 2 inches

5 rows = 2 inches

Finished Size4 by 5 inches

Materials List

  • scissors
  • crochet hook size 3.5
  • crochet hook size 4.00
  • crochet hook size 5.00
  • yarn needle

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