Sunflower Coasters Crochet Pattern


Sunflower Coasters Crochet Pattern

Sunflower Coasters Crochet Pattern
Sunflower Coasters Crochet Pattern

"If you're looking to bring a touch of sunny charm to your home, this Crochet Sunflower Coaster Pattern is the perfect project for you. This delightful pattern, with step-by-step instructions and a full video tutorial, will help you create a stunning set of sunflower coasters that will brighten up any space. These sunflower coasters are not only functional but also add a beautiful, handmade touch to your home decor. They are perfect for protecting your surfaces from drinks and adding a splash of color to your coffee table or dining area. Plus, they make wonderful gifts for friends and family who appreciate the warmth and beauty of handmade items. "


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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