Tunisian Knitlings Afghan Square


Tunisian Knitlings Afghan Square

Tunisian Knitlings Afghan Square
Tunisian Knitlings Afghan Square

"Afghan squares are quick, small projects that when compiled together form an interesting, beautiful blanket. I like to think of afghan squares as bite sized projects. 12″ squares are great to work on in the heat of summer or when you have limited time to crochet. They work up quickly which gives a sense of accomplishment and when you’ve got a bunch of them it’s time to create a gorgeous blanket. For this afghan square we are using the Tunisian Knitlings stitch. There is a full tutorial for this stitch if needed. This is a fun, interesting stitch that works up quickly."


Crochet HookL/11 or 8 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished SizeSquare should be 12” wide and 12” tall.

Materials List

  • Worsted Weight Yarn
  • Crochet hook in size 8mm

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