Peephole Chevron Scarf


Peephole Chevron Scarf

Peephole Chevron Scarf
Peephole Chevron Scarf

"Sometimes we just need a warm hug in the shape of a chevron scarf. This super long, super chic scarf is so long that you can wrap around your neck multiple times… or fold in half for double thickness. This chevron scarf pattern uses the peephole chevron stitch. This is a super easy, memorizable stitch pattern that, after a row or two, you can whip right out while watching a movie or listening to an audio book, etc. "


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(2) Fine (23-26 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge16 sts = 4″ wide

Finished SizeApprox. 15″ wide and 120″ long

Materials List

  • Size 2/Sport Weight yarn
  • Crochet hook in size 4.5mm

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