Diasy Belle Wiggle Worm Crochet Pattern


Diasy Belle Wiggle Worm Crochet Pattern

Diasy Belle Wiggle Worm Crochet Pattern
Diasy Belle Wiggle Worm Crochet Pattern

"Use up small scraps to crochet this easy & cute Daisy Wiggle Worm. Perfect for special occasions, birthdays, or simply as a surprise to someone special. Materials Needed Wooden Print Cat Doll Head Beads (30 mm) available on Ebay and Amazon. Yarn in white & yellow – Ricorumi DK 100% cotton, 25 g (57.5 m) or the slightly heavier Lang Handarbeitsgarn (12 wpi) Crochet hook size E (3.5 mm) A darning needle A pair of scissors Glue (if you’d like the flower hat to stay in place)."


Crochet HookE/4 or 3.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge13 stitches and 4 rows = 5 cm in double crochet

Finished Sizeapprox. 5.5 “ (14 cm) in height including the head & hat.

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