All Seasons Crocheted Drink Cozies
If you enjoy entertaining, then these crocheted cozies are a must-make crochet pattern. The All Seasons Crocheted Drink Cozies will brighten up any social gathering, whether you're hosting a fancy brunch, or simply having an afternoon snack with some friends. They are crocheted using cotton thread in a variety of colors for the crocheted flowers. Treat yourself a set of these cozies, or give them as a homemade housewarming gift to new neighbors.
Crochet Hook7 or 1.65 mm hook (steel)
Yarn Weight(0) Lace (33-40 stitches to 4 inches). Includes crochet thread.
- Bedspread Weight cotton Thread, size 10, (approximately 282 yards per ball) OR any equivalent bedspread weight cotton thread that will work to the specified gauge
Tea Jacket - 1 ball, White (will make 3) Primrose - Purple and Yellow Chrysanthemum - Yellow
Little Dahlia - Red and Yellow
Leaves - Green - Steel crochet hook, size 7 (1.65 mm) or size needed for gauge
- Tapestry needle
Bottom, Rnds 1-5 = 3"
Note: Entire Jacket is worked holding 2 strands of thread together throughout.
Approximately 3 1/4" in diameter x 2 1/4”
BPdc Back Post double crochet(s)
ch(s) chain(s)
dc double crochet(s)
dtr double treble crochet(s)
FPdc Front Post double crochet(s)
hdc half double crochet(s)
mm millimeters
Rnd(s) Round(s)
SC single crochet(s)
st(s) stitch(es)
tr treble crochet(s)
YO yarn over
* -work instructions following * as many more times as indicated in addition to the first time.
( ) - work enclosed instructions as many times as specified by the number immediately following or work all enclosed instructions in the stitch or space indicated or contains explanatory remarks.
Rnd 1 (Right side): With White, ch 4, 11 dc in fourth ch from hook; join with slip st to top of beginning ch: 12 sts.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout), dc in same st, 2 dc in next dc and in each dc around; join with slip st to first dc: 24 dc. Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in same st and in next dc, (2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc) around; join with slip st to first dc: 36 dc.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in same st and in next 2 dc, (2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc) around; join with slip st to first dc: 48 dc.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each dc around; join with slip st to first sc.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in Bock Loop Only of each sc around; join with slip st to first sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in Back Loop Only of next sc and in each sc around; join with slip st to first dc.
Note # 1: To work Front Post double crochet (abbreviated FPdc), work dc around post of st indicated, inserting hook from front to back (Fig. 1).
Note #2: To work Back Post double crochet (abbreviated BPdc), work dc around post of st indicated, inserting hook from back to front.
Fig. 1:
Rnds 3 and 4: Working from front to back, slip st around some st, ch 3, work FPdc around next 3 sts, work BPdc around next 4 sts, (work FPdc around next 4 sts. work BPdc around next 4 sts) around; join with slip st to first dc.
Rnds 5 and 6: Working from back to front, slip st around same st, ch 3, work BPdc around next 3 sts, work FPdc around next 4 sts, (work BPdc around next 4 sts. work FPdc around next 4 sts) around; join with slip st to first dc.
Rnds 7 and 8: Repeat Rnds 3 and 4.
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with slip st to first sc. finish off.
With right side facing, top toward you and working in free loops on Rnd 5 of Bottom, join While with slip st in first sc. ch 1, sc in same st, 2 sc in next so. (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 72 SC.
Rnd 1 (Right sidc): With Yellow, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook; join with slip st to first sc. finish off.
Rnd 2: With right sidc facing, join Purple with slip st in any sc, ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around; join with slip st to first sc: 12 sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in some st, (2 dc, ch 3, slip st) in next sc, * (slip st, ch 3, 2 dc) in next sc. (2 dc, ch 3, slip st) in next sc. repeat from * around; slip st in same sc as beginning ch-3. finish off: 6 Petals.
LEAF (Make 4)
With Green, ch 5, in fifth ch from hook work (2 tr, 2 dtr, ch 3, slip st in top of last dtr, 2 dtr, 2 tr, ch 4, slip st); finish off.
With Yellow, ch 3, join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 2, 13 hdc in ring; join with slip st to top of beginning ch-2: 14 sts.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st, skip next nee. (sc in next nee. skip next hdc) around; join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first sc: 7 sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, working in Front Loops Only, (tr, ch 3, slip st) in same st, (slip st, ch 3, tr, ch 3, slip st) in next sc and in each sc around (7 Petals); working in free loops of same rno. slip st in next sc. ch 2, hdc in same st, 2 hdc in next sc. hdc in next sc. 2 hdc in each of next 2 sc. hdc in next sc. 2 hdc in next sc; join with slip st to Front Loop Only of top of beginning ch-2: 12 sts.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, working in Front Loops Only, (tr, ch 3, slip st) in same st, (slip st, ch 3, tr, ch 3, slip st) in next hdc and in each hdc around (12 Petals); working in free loops of same md, slip st in next sc. ch 1, sc in same st and in next 4 hdc, 2 sc in next hdc, sc in next 5 hdc, 2 sc in last hdc; join with slip st to both loops of first sc: 14 SC.
Rnd 5: Ch 3, working in both loops, (2 tr, ch 3, slip st) in same st, (slip st, ch 3, 2 tr, ch 3, slip st) in next sc and in each sc around; finish off: 14 Petals.
LEAF (Make 2)
With Green, ch 5 loosely; (2 hdc, dc) in third ch from hook, ch 2, slip st in last dc made, (hdc, dc) in next ch, ch 2, slip st in last dc made, (2 hdc. 2 dc) in last ch, ch 2, slip st in last dc made, (dc, 2 hdc) in same ch; working in free loops of beginning ch, dc in next ch, ch 2, slip st in last dc made, hdc in some ch, dc in next ch, ch 2, slip st in last dc made, (2 hdc, ch 2, slip st) in same ch; finish off leaving a long end for sewing.
With Yellow, ch 3; join with slip st to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, 8 sc in ring; join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first sc.
Rnd 2: Working in Front Loops Only, (ch 3, slip st in next sc. ch 2, slip st in next sc) around; working in free loops of same rnd, slip st in next sc. ch 1, sc in same st and in each sc around; join with slip st to first sc. finish off: 8 sc.
Row 1: With right side of Center facing, working behind ch-sps and in Front loops Only of sc, join Red with slip st in first sc. ch 3, 2 dc in same st and in next sc: leave remaining sc unworked: 5dc.
Row 2: Ch 2, turn; *YO, insert hook in next dc, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * 2 times more, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 2, slip st in last st; finish off.
Row 1: With right side of Center facing, working behind ch-sps and in Front Loops Only of sc. join Red with slip st in next sc (to left of previous Petal); 'en 3, 2 dc in same st and in next sc: 5dc.
Row 2: Work same as First Top Petal. FIRST BOTTOM PETAL
Row 1 : With right side of Center facing and working in free loops behind Top Petals, join Red with slip st in second sc: ch 3, 2 dc in same st and in next sc. leave remaining sc unworked: 5dc.
Row 2: Work same as First Top Petal. REMAINING 3 BOTTOM PETALS
Complete some as Top Petals, working in free loops.
LEAF (Make 2)
Work same as Chrysanthemum.
Using photo as a guide for placement, attach Flower and Leaves.
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