Tunisian Chevron Crochet Baby Blanket


Tunisian Chevron Crochet Baby Blanket

Tunisian Chevron Crochet Baby Blanket
Tunisian Chevron Crochet Baby Blanket

"Have you been practicing your Tunisian Chevron crochet? This NEW, free baby blanket crochet pattern will be the perfect project to get your feet wet with Tunisian Chevron crochet. This chevron crochet blanket is the perfect size for a baby shower gift. When on gauge the finished blanket will measure approximately 36″ x 36″. In my opinion, this stitch is easier to understand when you see it done. Should you need a tutorial for the Tunisian Chevron stitch (available in written or video format in the pattern notes), you’ll want to master that first, then start with this free pattern. "


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge17 sts and 9 rows = 4” square (each “ripple” repeat is ~3” wide)

Finished SizeWhen on gauge the finished blanket will measure approximately 36″ x 36″.

Materials List

  • Worsted Weight Yarn
  • Tunisian crochet hook – 6mm

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