Traditional Chevron Blanket


Traditional Chevron Blanket

Traditional Chevron Blanket
Traditional Chevron Blanket

"One of the most quintessential crochet blanket patterns? The Traditional Chevron. Let’s make one using this free chevron blanket pattern! It uses single crochet and as many yarn colors as you wish to create a gorgeous blanket that will be well loved throughout the years. A true heirloom that can be handed down through the generations, the traditional chevron blanket has always been a staple in the crochet world. For decades the chevron has been a well loved stitch pattern, and for good reason. It’s okay (and, in my opinion, often desirable) to have what some would call an “ugly” chevron blanket. I know some of the blankets my ancestors made were downright hideous. But that adds to the charm, speaks to the practicality of their generation, and the overall effect when you’re cuddled up beneath it on a chilly day. Feel free to grab random skeins of worsted weight acrylic from your yarn stash and combine them to create a squishy, possibly hideous, lovely crocheted blanket."


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet GaugeGauge: Each repeat is 2.75” wide, 11 rows in 4”

Gauge Swatch Pattern:

Row 1: Ch-28, 2sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 5 chs, sk-2 chs, sc in next 5 chs, * 3sc in next ch, sc in next 5 chs, sk-2 chs, sc in next 5 chs * repeat between * * to end, 2sc in final ch. (27)

Row 2: Ch-1, turn, 2sc in BLO of first st, sc in BLO of next 5 sts, sk-2 sts, sc in BLO of next 5 sts, * 3sc in BLO of next st, sc in BLO of next 5 sts, sk-2 sts, sc in BLO of next 5 sts * repeat between * * to end, 2sc in BLO of final st. (27)

Row 3: Ch-1, turn, 2sc in first st, sc in next 5 sts, sk-2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, * 3sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, sk-2 sts, sc in next 5 sts* repeat between * * to end, 2sc in final st. (27)

Rows 4 – 11: repeat previous two rows (27)

Swatch should measure ~ 5.5” wide and 4” tall

Finished Size(36”, 48”, 60”, 68”, 84”, 90”, 108”) = (Baby, Small Throw, Large Throw, Twin, Full, Queen, King)

Materials List

  • Worsted Weight Yarn
  • Crochet hook in size K/6.5mm or size needed to obtain gauge

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