Diamond Mosaic Blanket


Diamond Mosaic Blanket

Diamond Mosaic Blanket
Diamond Mosaic Blanket

"Overlay Mosaic crochet is a fun and easy technique. Before I tried it, I was sure it’s a complicated method, but after I learned it I discovered it is much much easier than it looks, and also very addictive! I designed this diamond mosaic crochet pattern for the Mosaic in a Month CAL. You will find here both written instructions and a detailed chart for this pattern. The width of the strip can be modified according to the stitch multiple mentioned in the pattern notes. It can be used to make one big blanket, a placemat, or a table runner."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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