Mickey Mouse Crocheted Headband


Mickey Mouse Crocheted Headband

Mickey Mouse Crocheted Headband
Mickey Mouse Crocheted Headband

"This Mickey Mouse inspired headband is created by combining some simple crocheting stitches. This would be a perfect project for a beginner to test their skills on. Headbands like this are a perfect way to keep your ears warm on a cooler day, and they look great when wearing your hair up in a ponytail or bun. If you are planning a trip to Walt Disney World in the fall or winter, this would be a great addition to your wardrobe."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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This isnt so much a pattern as an explanation of how the designer came up with the idea. She does sort of explain the stitch sequence she uses for the headband itself, but the biggest focus is on the different colors shes used and the versions she created. Some of the circles seem to be out of scale, too. Id be making them smaller than what the designer has done.


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