Learn to Crochet Circles into Squares


Learn to Crochet Circles into Squares

Learn to Crochet Circles into SquaresLearn to Crochet Circles into Squares
Gifted by: Leisure Arts
Reviewed by Elena Hunt for AllFreeCrochet.com

If you love to crochet like I do, you may have wondered how to make a circle crochet pattern end up in a square motif. Now it's easy: Learn to Crochet Circles into Squares by Candi Jensen and Heather Vantress has 8 fun patterns for you to learn with and use.

This 32-page booklet starts off by showing you the simple techniques used to make your Circle in a Square in step-by-step photographs and written instructions. Then they provide 8 fun and whimsical patterns using the same techniques. You will now be able to make a fun Dishcloth (pg. 8) and matching Placemats (pg. 10) for a great gift or to use in your own kitchen. Everyone loves an afghan and now you can make three different Circle in a Square Afghans (pg. 14, pg. 17 & pg. 26) that will brighten up your room. Of course you will need the matching Pillow (pg. 22) to tie it all together! And if you are looking for personal accessories, why not try the Scarf (pg. 6) or the fun and fashionable Purse (pg. 20). The possibilities are endless using different colors of yarn!

Circles in Squares can become addicting, so make sure to grab this fun booklet and your yarn and get started on a fun and whimsical crochet journey. Your friends and family will be begging for these treasures. This will be your go-to guide for colorful projects!


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