Crochet Basketweave Stitch Dishcloth


Crochet Basketweave Stitch Dishcloth

Crochet Basketweave Stitch Dishcloth
Crochet Basketweave Stitch Dishcloth

"Looking for beautiful and textured crochet stitches to make crochet dishcloths? Crochet Basketweave stitch is my one of favorite stitch to make dishcloths. It has the same texture on both sides and no holes. If you are a beginner to crochet think this pattern as a crochet stitch tutorial, you can learn a new crochet stitch while making this dishcloth. I used 4-Medium weight / Worsted / 100% Cotton / 90 total yards. You can also use DK weight yarns that obtain the gauge."


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge17 hdc x 9 rows = 4″ with 7/ 4.5 mm crochet hook

Finished Size7.5” x 7.5”

Materials List

  • 4-Medium weight / Worsted / 100% Cotton
  • 7/ 4.5 mm crochet hook
  • Tapestry needle for weaving ends.
  • Scissors

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Basket Weave is one of my favorite texture patterns, and this is a lovely example of the technique. It looks complicated, but its one of the easiest texture patterns around. You just alternate three Front and three Back Post stitches and the texture appears almost like magic. This project doesnt call for it, but you could also finish the dishcloth by working a row of Half Doubles all the way around, and add a chain loop for hanging.


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