Loving Heart Crochet Applique


Loving Heart Crochet Applique

Loving Heart Crochet Applique
Loving Heart Crochet Applique

The Loving Heart Crochet Applique is an easy crochet pattern to add a little love to pockets, bags, hats and anything you can think of to embellish. It would be great to add to any Valentine's Day gift. You'll need some worsted weight yarn and an H hook to crochet this cute heart. You'll start out with making a magic circle or magic ring, so it is suggested you know how to do this technique before starting it. This heart pattern is worked in the round and you'll need a needle and thread to stitch your crochet applique to whatever you're embellishing.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Size3.5 inches

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this is THE BEST crochet heart pattern EVER!! ) make 2 whip 'em together to make sweet little soft hearts to hand out to chemo patients!! great job on this simple little pattern!! )


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