The Best Glue for Yarn Projects
Discover the best glue for yarn ends and more!

Have you found yourself standing in the craft aisle, surrounded by bottles and tubes of various glues, and wondering which one would best suit your crochet or yarn project? You may know from experience that not all glues are suitable for delicate textiles, and you've worked way too hard on your piece to ruin it with the wrong adhesive.
The porous nature of threads and yarn and their sensitivity to heat and caustic chemicals must be considered, but there are so many options on the shelves. Whether you're attaching googly eyes to your child's handcrafted toy, tacking back a short bit of yarn that can't be woven into the back of a project, or bedecking a knitted scarf with rhinestones, our quick guide to the best glues for crochet projects has you covered.
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Crochet Glue Qualities
To choose the best glue for your project, it's important to understand the properties that different glues bring to your specific project. How you intend to use your creation will also guide your glue choice.
A bottle labeled "Fabric Glue" is the first thing to look for on the label. For non-metal applications, fabric glue is a great option, as it won't damage delicate fibers. After weaning down the options, further decide which of the following are vital to your project:
Transparency: You want the colors of your project to be front and center, so glue that dries clear is a must. A high-quality glue will dry clear and will not stain or pull dyes from the yarn.
Drying Time: If you're up against the clock, you'll want to consider a glue that bonds and dries quickly. If not, you can skip this consideration.
Bond Type: Are you holding an element in place long enough to secure it differently later on, or is the piece to be glued meant to be permanent? The label should also tell you whether the glue will dry stiff (googly eyes) or flexible (wearables and soft toys).
Machine Washable: Your project will dictate whether your glue bond should hold up in laundry or if it should not get wet.
Safe for Children: Will your yarn or crochet project end up in the hands of a child for wear or playtime? Or are there children helping you complete this project? Consider non-toxic glues with low fumes and those with easy cleanup.

Glue Brands To Meet Your Yarn Project Needs
Here are some of the best fabric glue options on the market for thread, crochet, and yarn projects.
Aleene's Brands: Aleene's has a vast presence in the craft market, and for good reason. They create glue brands for nearly any type of project. Among the best for fabric uses, their Fabric Fusion, Ultimate, and Tacky options rank at the top. Your project, the bottle's label, and the tips above will help you choose which is appropriate.
Beacon Fabri-tac: This choice is machine-washable and creates a dependable bond for toys and wearables. Great for delicates like lace, as the applicator allows for specific targeting of the adhesive.
Gorilla Fabric Glue: If you need to adhere metal or plastic to your project (rhinestones, buttons,) this glue fits the bill. Gorilla fabric glue holds bonds fast and dries clear and flexible.
Infinity Bond Fabric Hot Glue Stick: These sticks come in standard 1/2" size and can be used with low or medium temp guns. Great for bonding porous materials like fabrics and yarns. And a bonus — the sticks won't dry up between crafting sessions.

Fabric Glue Tips for Success
Always follow the bottle directions (for example, some glues may dry white or milky if not shaken well before use). If you've chosen to use hot glue, be sure to use a low or medium setting so you don't damage the fibers. Always work in a well-ventilated area. Consider the following for further success:
Test It: Use spare yarn scraps or bits of the elements you're about to glue and do a test run. YOu'll find out if the glue makes dyes run, eats through styrofoam, or just won't' hold up before you put it on your project.
Start With Clean Materials: The condition of the yarn and objects you use in your project will dictate how effective your glue bonds. Dirty, frail, or oily pieces will not produce a great result.
Just a Dab: Use only the amount you need, and the smaller the amount, the better. The drying time, visibility of the glue and project's strength will all be at an optimum.
Let It Set: Fabric glue drying times range from three minutes to a couple of days. Always follow the bottle's recommendations for this.
Clean Up: Be sure to clean your crafting surfaces right away per the label's directions. This also keeps tiny hands (or paws) from harm's way.
For more tips and tricks for all of your crochet or yarn projects, be sure to explore our bank of detailed guides resources.