Yarn Butler
Yarn Butler
Gifted by: ChiaoGoo
Reviewed by Christine Weiher, Editor, AllFreeCrochet.com
Crocheting is like a drug, it can easily become the fastest addiction you will ever encounter. Well, after the frustration and muscle tenseness when first learning how to crochet, it then becomes something you eat, sleep and dream. It's so tough to put down that hook even during the late night hours; let me finish just this one row...said 27 hours earlier. What frustrates me the most though, is when a skein of yarn is tangled or I can't figure out where the skein begins. Or even worse, when I'm in the middle of a row and I have to put everything down in order to pull out more yarn to work with. The Yarn Butler from ChiaoGoo is here to help!
If you need some assistance with you crocheting and you're looking for a faster more efficient way to get your crochet patterns finished then you're going to love this yarn butler. All you have to do is place the skein of yarn on the spindle and the ball bearings allow the butler to spin easily as you crochet. This of course can be used for knitters, as well.
The spindle can be taken on and off of the butler to allow for easy storage and the size is small enough at 17cm by 25cm. It's made of a beautiful wood material with the ChiaoGoo logo imprinted on it; you won't be able to stop staring at it. What's neat about this yarn tool is that it will take the yarn from the outside in, so it's great for those crochet patterns that you just want to sit and relax without the fuss.
If you're tired of chasing after balls of yarn and losing your stitch then you must get your hands on the ChiaoGoo Yarn Butler. You'll easily wonder why you haven't had this tool long before.
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