Nautical Crochet Anchor Applique


Nautical Crochet Anchor Applique

If you or someone you know loves the sea, then this is the perfect crochet pattern to make. The Nautical Crochet Anchor Applique is a quick and easy pattern to work up using just a little bit of worsted weight yarn. You can use this crocheted applique for just about anything - use it to embellish other crochet patterns (like a crochet hat or a crocheted bag), or add this crochet anchor to a homemade card.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

A School of Shark Crochet Patterns Their Favorite Nautical Designs




To see this pattern featured with other great ocean patterns, check out A School of Shark Crochet Patterns Their Favorite Nautical Designs.




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Im always delighted to come across another appliqu, especially an example as nice as this one. The designers story of her moms devotion to the sea was so sweet. I love how shes used the appliqu on a cardI have done that with tatted items but never just plain crochet. The original appliqu is worked with worsted and an H size hook, but you could also use a smaller hook and crochet thread, too.


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