Center Out Bean Stitch Crochet Dishcloth


Center Out Bean Stitch Crochet Dishcloth

From the Designer: "Crochet a squishy new dishcloth with great texture! Learn how to work the bean stitch in the round to make a thick kitchen crochet project, great for wiping toddler hands after meals, cleaning off the table, or of course for cleaning dishes. I have a center out bean stitch baby blanket pattern on the blog, and this dishcloth pattern uses fewer chain stitches between the bean stitches to create a tighter weave. Cotton yarn stretches, especially when wet, so a tighter weave is ideal for minimizing holes. I hope you enjoy this pattern!"


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge6 rnds in pattern = 4″ x 4″

Finished Size6.5" x 6.5"

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