Seton Crochet Group
Marianne Volpe tells the story of how the "Seton Crochet Group" started and how they continue to give back to the community in need:
On the internet was "crochet a square." They said I could use their idea if I sent in a square. I shared this idea with my husbands' mother Julie.
We sent a letter to our church and they agreed. That was when it was established in 1998. That year, after making 21 squares, my mother-in-law passed away but not before telling me how to line them up and sew.
The first 2 years I stood her picture on the floor and asked for help. Every year since we have grown. We make items for local charities such as"Still born babies", Helen Graham Cancer, Angel Tree, Caps for Homeless, St.Vincent de Paul, Bayard House (unwed mothers). Christiana hospital babies, Veterans (men & women) and others.
We are the "Seton Crochet Group" from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Bear, DE. There are those of us that knit, sew and crochet. We meet every Thursday and are a diverse group. It is open to everyone who wants to help others in need. That is our mission.