Everyone Can Snuggle Afghan
Make a matching blanket for the whole family with this free crochet afghan pattern. The Everyone Can Snuggle Afghan is a great gift idea for any special occasion including Father's Day, birthdays, and more. Everyone will have their very own special blanket to use during your next family's movie night or game night. The free pattern includes sizing instructions for both adults and children.
Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook
Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)
Throw measures 42” x 54” (51” x 64”, 61” x 74”).
Directions are for size Child; changes for sizes Adult and Tall are in parentheses.
- RED HEART® “Super Saver®”: 3 (4, 4) skeins 360 Café A, 3 (4, 4) skeins 656 Real Teal B and 4 (4, 5) skeins 365 Coffee C.
- Crochet Hook: 6.5mm [US K-10.5].
- Stitch marker, yarn needle.
- Chart
GAUGE: 15 sts = 5”; 13 rows = 4” in pattern. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.
With C, ch 126 (154, 182).
Row 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn [125 (153, 181) sts].
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, * ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next sc; repeat from * across, turn. Fasten off.
Row 3: Join B in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in beginning sc, *dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below (Row 1) pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc; repeat from * across, turn.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sts, *ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc; repeat from * across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 5: Join A in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, * dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below (Row 3) pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc; repeat from * across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 6: Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, * ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc; repeat from * across to last 2 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc.
Rows 7-134 (164, 194): Repeat Rows 3-6, alternating colors C, B then A for pattern throughout, changing colors as indicated [125 (153, 181) sts].
Divide for Armholes
Right Side:
Row 135 (165, 195) (right side): Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 14 (17, 20) times, dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, turn [31 (37, 43) sts].
Row 136 (166, 196): Ch 1, sc in beginning dc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off. [31 (37, 43) sts].
Row 137 (167, 197): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 15 (18, 21) times, turn.
Row 138 (168, 198): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, sc in next dc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 139 (169, 199): Sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 140 (170, 200): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Rows 141 (171, 201) – 148 (182, 216): Repeat Rows 137 (167, 197) – 140 (170, 200) 2 (3, 4) times. Fasten off, mark last st.
Rows 135 (165, 195) (right side): Skip next 13 (15, 19) sts for armhole, join yarn in next ch-1 space, ch 1, dc in corresponding sc in row below, pulling dc up to current level of work, [sc in next sc, dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work] 18 (24, 28) times, turn [37 (49, 57) sts].
Row 136 (166, 196): Ch 1, sc in beginning dc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 18 (24, 28) times, turn. Fasten off.
Row 137 (167, 197): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rnds below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 18 (24, 28) times, turn.
Row 138 (168, 198): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, sc in next dc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 17 (23, 27) times, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 139 (169, 199): Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 17 (23, 27) times, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 140 (170, 200): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 17 (23, 27) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Rows 141 (171, 201) – 148 (182, 216): Repeat Rows 137 (167, 197) – 140 (170,200) 2 (3, 4) times. Fasten off.
Left Side:
Rows 135 (165, 195) (right side): Skip next 13 (15, 19) sts for armhole, join new color in next ch-1 space, ch 1, dc in corresponding sc in row below, pulling dc up to current level of work, [sc in next sc, dc in next sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last 2 sts.
Row 136 (166, 196): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 15 (18, 21) times, turn. Fasten off.
Row 137 (167, 197): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 15 (18, 21) times.
Row 138 (168, 198): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, sc in next dc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 139 (169, 199): Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc, Turn.
Row 140 (170, 200): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Rows 141 (171, 201) – 148 (182, 216): Repeat Rows 137 (167, 197) – 140 (170, 200) 2 (3, 4) times. Fasten off.
Top Edge:
Row 149 (183, 217): With Right Side facing, beginning with st on holder of Row 148 (182, 216) of Right Side, join yarn in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc of Right Side, ch 13 (15, 19), working across Center, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 17 (23, 27) times, sc in last sc of Center, ch 13 (15, 19), working across Left Side, sc in first 2 sc, [dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc] 14 (17, 20) times, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 150 (184, 218): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next sc, working across ch, [ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch] 6 (7, 9) times, ch 1, skip next ch, working across Center, sc in first sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 17 (23, 27) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc of Center, working across ch, [ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch] 6 (7, 9) times, ch 1, skip next ch, working across Left Side, sc in first sc, [ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc] 14 (17, 20) times, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 151 (185, 219): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, * dc in next corresponding sc or ch 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc; repeat from * across, turn [125 (153, 181) sts].
Row 152 (186, 220): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, sc in next dc, * ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc; repeat from * across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 153 (187, 221): Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, * dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc; repeat from * across to last sc, sc in last sc, turn.
Row 154 (188, 222): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, * ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next dc; repeat from * across to last 2 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last sc, turn. Fasten off.
Row 155 (189, 223): Ch 1, sc in beginning sc, * dc in next corresponding sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, sc in next sc; repeat from * across, turn.
Rows 156 (190, 224) – 167 (201, 235): Repeat Rows 152 (186, 220) – 155 (189, 223) 3 times.
Row 168 (202, 236): Repeat Rows 152 (186, 220). Fasten off Child size.
Row 169 (203, 237): Repeat Row 153.
Row 170 (204, 238): Repeat Row 154.
Row 171 (205, 239): Repeat Row 155.
Row 172 (206, 240): Repeat Row 152.
Row 173 (207, 241): Repeat Row 153.
Row 174 (208, 242): Repeat Row 154. Fasten off.
Rnd 1: With Right Side facing, return to beginning of Row 174 (208, 242), join C in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in each sc and each ch-1 space across to next corner, ch 2, * sc in end st of each of next 5 rows, skip next row * ; ** repeat from * to * to next corner, working sc in any odd number of rows left over from pattern to corner, ch 2 **; working across bottom of foundation ch, sc in each ch across to
next corner, ch 2; repeat from ** to **, join with slip st to beginning sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 1: With Right Side facing, join C to 7th (8th, 10th) st or ch-1 space at underarm, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 6 (7, 9) sts, sc in end st of each of next 14 (18, 22) rows along edge; working on bottom of foundation ch at top of armhole work sc in next 13 (15, 19) ch, sc in end st of each of next 14 (18, 22) rows along edge, sc in last 6 (7, 9) sts on bottom of armhole, join with slip st to beginning sc [54 (66, 82) sc].
Rnd 2: Join B in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in beginning sc, ch 1, skip next sc, * sc in next sc, ch 1, skip next sc; repeat from * around, join with slip st to beginning sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 3: Join A in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in beginning sc, dc in next sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work, * sc in next sc, dc in next sc 2 rows below, pulling dc up to current level of work; repeat from * around, join with slip st to beginning sc.
Rnd 4: Skip beginning sc, slip st in next dc, (ch 1, sc) in same dc, ch 1, skip next sc, * sc in next dc, ch 1, skip next sc; repeat from * around, join with slip st to beginning sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 5: With C, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 6: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 7: With B, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 8: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 9: With A, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 10: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnds 11-22: Repeat Rnds 5-10 twice.
Rnd 23: Repeat Rnd 5.
Rnd 24: Skip beginning sc, slip st in next dc, ch 1, sc in same dc, ch 1, skip next 3 sts, sc in next dc (2 decreases made), ch 1, skip next sc, * sc in next dc, ch 1, skip next sc; repeat from * around, join with slip st to beginning sc. Fasten off.
Rnd 25: Join B in beginning sc, ch 1, sc in beginning sc, dc in corresponding dc of previously skipped 3 sts 2 rnds below, pulling dc up to current level of work, *sc in next sc, dc in next corresponding sc 2 rnds below, pulling dc up to current level of work; repeat from * around, join with slip st to beginning sc.
Rnd 26: Repeat Rnd 4. Fasten off.
Rnd 27: With A, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 28: Repeat Rnd 24.
Rnd 29: With C, repeat Rnd 25.
Rnd 30: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 31: With B, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 32: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 33: With A, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 34: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 35: With C, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 36: Repeat Rnd 24.
Rnd 37: With B, repeat Rnd 25.
Rnd 38: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 39: With A, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 40: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnds 41-44: Repeat Rnds 35-38.
Rnds 45-50: Repeat Rnds 27-32.
Rnds 51-54: Repeat Rnds 27-30. Child Size, fasten off.
Repeat for second sleeve.
Rnd 55: With B, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 56: Repeat Rnd 24.
Rnd 57: With A, repeat Rnd 25.
Rnd 58: Repeat Rnd 24.
Rnds 59-64: Repeat Rnds 29-34.
Rnd 65: With C, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 66: Repeat Rnd 4. Adult Size, fasten off. Repeat for second sleeve.
Rnd 67: With B, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 68: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 69: With A, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 70: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 71: With C, repeat Rnd 3.
Rnd 72: Repeat Rnd 4. Fasten off. Repeat for second sleeve. Weave in ends.
A,B,C = color A, B, C etc
ch = chain
dc = double crochet
mm = millimeters
rnd = round
sc = single crochet
st(s) = stitch(es)
yo = yarn over
* or ** = repeat
Check out Red Heart's company profile and other great patterns!
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Dec 01, 2016
This was a very nice pattern overall, but I had a lot of difficult with the arms. It was very awkward to crochet them with the entire weight of the project pulling against you. My brother did enjoy it and my husband and son requested one from me as well. I plan to try again and hope that it comes out a bit better.
Aug 22, 2016
this is my 'go to' project for new parents. It makes for a unique, but very useful gift. I think my pattern alternates 2 rows 1st is all dc 2nd is hdc and sc repeat. As long as you stick with the same yarn and number of stitches, you should be safe to 'play around' with types of stitches. I buy 3 balls 2 for the body and one complimentary colour for sleeves and edging and have enough left over for a child size sweater / sleeves/ trim, etc. this pattern looks cumbersome --the way it's presented -- but if you follow the child size version --I'm sure you'll find it easier than it looks. Enjoy! L.
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