Child's Ball


Child's Ball

1 Comment

Using Lion Brand yarn you can make this fun ball for your child. This is an easy crochet pattern that is worked in rounds and made with two halves. Some use this a hacky sack.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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I like this idea! This is a great toy ball for your baby or toddler because not only is it soft to the touch it is soft and LIGHT so there will be no accidents inside the house! Interesting color choices. Ball is worked in two pieces and you stitch them together partway before you add the fiber fill. Then just finish stitching up and you're done! A nice addition to your gift layette set for the baby shower.


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