Boho Baby Crochet Vest Pattern


Boho Baby Crochet Vest Pattern

Boho Baby Crochet Vest Pattern
Boho Baby Crochet Vest Pattern

"A boho fringe vest is the perfect summer accessory for your baby. The vest is forgiving and will fit your flower child in sizes 3-12 months. The infant boho vest is the perfect first clothing project. The design is made in 1 piece with lots of pictures. The only seaming together is at the shoulders. You'll only need 1 skein of worsted weight cotton yarn. I used I Love This Cotton from Hobby Lobby. The airy design makes this project quick, my favorite."


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge11 stitches = 4"

Materials List

  • I Love This Cotton

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This pattern looks great. I cant wait to play around with it and enlarge it to an adult size. I dont have any little ones around anymore, but would like one of these for myself. What an adorable mother and me project this could become for a great baby shower gift.

How adorable is this little Boho Vest? It would be very easy to make large with bigger hook size. I think it would be so cute on a toddler.


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