Little Friends Amigurumi


Little Friends Amigurumi

Little Friends Amigurumi
Little Friends Amigurumi

"Meet Little friends amigurumi . They are make from the same basic pattern, the different are thechange in color , the nose, ear and mouth Learn how to make this oh so adorable push toy and doll with very detail step by step photo tutorial and super easy to read pattern. I am using weight worsted yarn and small crochet hook. To make this little cutie and donot worry if you are beginner because only need basic stitches."


Crochet Hook8 or 1.5 mm hook (steel)

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Size3.5 inch tall

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These are so cute and wouldnt they make wonderful little Valentine gifts? This designer is so talented at creating amigurumi, and her instructions are so thorough and photos so detailed even a Beginner wouldnt be afraid to tackle one of these. Its hard to choose but I think Ive found my favorite. That little dog is so preciousI love his adorable face and floppy ears. And free downloads, too!

These are just too precious. And they are not hard at all. Like it states, the difference is the color and minor changes to ears and mouth. I can make them up in no time. I have twin two year old grand sons so you can see why I was happy to find this.

Congrats on the twin boys! I had identical girls, and let's just say the parents are going to be in for some interesting times!


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