Baby Beluga Tissue Box Cover


Baby Beluga Tissue Box Cover

Let this adorable tissue box cover help you get "whale" soon when you're feeling under the weather, or perhaps you know someone that's not feeling well. This cute little Baby Beluga Tissue Box Cover is a great way to send oceans of love to a sick friend. The tail is crocheted in two separate parts and sewn onto the box at the end. Two black buttons are used for the eyes and a small amount of black yarn is need for the mouth.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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One of my sisters is a Kindergarten teacher, so she likes to have interesting items tucked all over her classroom for the children to discover. Tissue box covers are wonderful because they can be changed out according to the season or theme, so Ive made several for her already. Shes going to love Baby Beluga and so with the kiddies in her class.

Cooler weather is approaching and this is a great way to cover those tissue boxes. Even though the tissue boxes come in a variety of color and design patterns this would be a way to cover those boxes that may not be so attractive. Was there suppose to be a word play kind of thing with the beluga / bugger?

My college bound niece loves whales and I believe she will love this Get Whale Soon Tissue Box Cover. She does have allergies and allergy season is just around the corner. This crochet creation will most diffidently be one way to keep that box of tissue handy this allergy season.


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