Funky Fall Crochet Pumpkin Pattern


Funky Fall Crochet Pumpkin Pattern

Funky Fall Crochet Pumpkin Pattern
Funky Fall Crochet Pumpkin Pattern

Add some style to your fall decor this year with this Funky Fall Crochet Pumpkin Pattern. With a beautiful range of pink and orange yarn colors, this crochet pumpkin is sure to stand out when placed in any Halloween display! In this free pattern, you'll learn how to create a spiral shape that creates this gorgeous final project. After finishing the pattern, imagine how cute this pumpkin will look sitting on the front porch or by the fireplace. Plus, the unique spiral form makes this crochet pumpkin a fun and unique crochet project. Get started today with this free pattern!


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Crochet Gauge4 rows x 3 sc sts = 1 square inch

Finished Size3" x 6" Diameter

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