Winter Blooms Cowl


Winter Blooms Cowl

Winter Blooms Cowl
Winter Blooms Cowl

"The Winter Blooms Cowl is one of my first crochet patterns and it has now been given an upgrade! I used the new Caron X Pantone yarn for the new cowl, but any bulky (#5) weight yarn will work! This cowl uses the aligned puff stitch to create a gorgeous texture. The Winter Blooms Cowl will be a great accessory to your winter wardrobe! You can make it striped, like the photo, or in one solid color! Either way it will be beautiful!"


Crochet HookM/13 or 9 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge4 aligned puff stitches = 3"

Finished Size14"x9"

Materials List

  • Bulky (#5) weight yarn
  • M (9.00mm) crochet hook
  • Measuring Tape
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle

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