Flower Crochet Shoulder Bag


Flower Crochet Shoulder Bag

Flower Crochet Shoulder Bag
Flower Crochet Shoulder Bag

This pretty, fringe-y Flower Crochet Shoulder Bag will add a touch of spring to your day and your step no matter the time of year. It's a perfect crochet purse for spring and summer with its bright green flower, but you could always hook the flower or even the whole purse in a different color and suddenly you have a shoulder bag that can get you through the winter months. The bohemian look is right on trend, so you might have to hook a few more for friends who will undoubtedly admire your new crochet shoulder bag.


Crochet HookB/1 or 2.25 mm hook, H/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge4 hdc x 3 rows =1 square inch

Materials List

  • Yarn needle, threading needle, and 100% cotton thread
  • 9 inch zipper in white
  • 1 button about 1 inch in diameter
  • Scissors

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This fringed bag is so cute! I might actually hook it in a fall color and add a leaf applique to suit the season. So versatile!


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