Chic Shopper Tote


Chic Shopper Tote

Chic Shopper Tote
Chic Shopper Tote

"If you’re hoping to make the next step from simple hats and scarf projects then this easy crochet beach tote bag tutorial is a great simple project for beginners. Once you have created your base you can make your bag as deep or shallow as you like, the sturdy stitch means it’s perfect for all of your groceries. I love the large tote size as it works just as easily with a laptop and an essential crochet project as it does when it’s stuffed full of beach accessories. The best bit is that as it’s made from cotton it can be washed easily if your sun cream leaks or you drip your coffee on it – or is that just me?"


Crochet HookP/16 or 11.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge9stitches x 9 rows (10x10cm)

Finished Size17x17 inches (43x43cm)

Materials List

  • t shirt yarn
  • 12mm hook

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