Chunky Crochet Neck Warmer


Chunky Crochet Neck Warmer

Chunky Crochet Neck Warmer
Chunky Crochet Neck Warmer

"This Chunky Crochet Neck Warmer is a quick crochet pattern that uses the double crochet stitch alternating between the back and front loops. This creates beautiful texture. This Chunky Neck Warmer was crocheted in three different colors. Each neck warmer is made from 2 skeins of chunky yarn. In keeping with the theme of using what I have, these were the only colors that I had two skeins of the color. I still think they turned out beautiful. The buttons were also raided from my button jars. My daughter and I had all of the buttons from 3 quart jars out on the table. This helped us sift through them and find matching buttons that would work. I think that the buttons we chose paired beautifully with the yarn for a very stylish look. This crochet pattern works up very quickly. It is -25 degrees Fahrenheit here. Yup, negative 25…very dangerously cold. There are many businesses and schools closed. So, I am home and love the chance to stay warm and crochet. I made all three neck warmers in two days."

NotesThere are video tutorials to help with the crochet stitches and photos to help with the assembly.


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet GaugeCrochet gauge is not critical to this pattern.

Finished Size35 inches long X 7.5 inches wide

Materials List

  • 2 Skeins of Super Bulky (6) yarn. I listed the colors above the photos of each one above. Approximately 140 yards.
  • Crochet Hook Size I
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle
  • Buttons
  • Thread
  • Sewing Needle


  1. Begin by Chaining 90

  2. Row 1: in the fourth CH from the hook, DC and in each ST across.

  3. Row 2: CH 3, BLDC in the first ST from the hook and in each ST across.

  4. Row 3: CH 3, FLDC in the first ST from the hook and in each ST across.

  5. Rows 4-10: Repeat rows 2 and 3.

  6. Finishing Hints: After the last stitch, leave a long yarn tail; approximately 15-20 inches. This will give you enough yarn to sew the ends together to form the neck warmer. However, before the neck warmer is sewn together, sew the buttons on and sew the other yarn ends in and cut off the excess yarn.

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