Garden Flower Crochet Applique


Garden Flower Crochet Applique


Garden Flower Crochet Applique
Garden Flower Crochet Applique

Let's face it. We all have outfits and accessories that are in good shape, but could be refreshed a little bit. If you're looking for a quick way to make that beloved purse or jacket look new again, then consider picking up your hook to crochet an applique. With the Garden Flower Crochet Applique, you can create crochet flowers in an assortment of colors in just a little bit of time. Simply attach the crochet applique to your favorite item, and you're set! This crochet pattern is easy to make and is also ideal if you're looking for creative and resourceful ways to make a dent in your overflowing yarn stash.


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Materials List

  • Medium weight/worsted weight yarn (blogger used Caron Simply Soft Acrylic in Watermelon, Sunshine, and Chartreuse)
  • G/6 or 4 mm hook

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This is a cute applique. I made one up in about 15 minutes or so. I used worsted weight yarn and a size 4mm hook. My flower is 4 inches high. There should be a sl st join after the final petal in the pattern. Otherwise some may have a gap if a person doesnt weave the tail of the petal colour into the first sc of the round.

I love this easy flower pattern. I especially like how the leaf and stem are shaped and worked as a single unit. It does make life simpler when sewing it on. The designer has provided a series of photos detailing the construction, and clicking on them gives you a larger, easier to see version. She also includes a link to one of her basic beanie designs if you dont already have a project to use the appliqu on.


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