Fluffy Crochet Pillow Cover


Fluffy Crochet Pillow Cover

Fluffy Crochet Pillow Cover
Fluffy Crochet Pillow Cover

"This fluffy crochet pillow cover works up very quickly. Make this pattern in a weekend. The yarn is paired with easy crochet stitches to make a snuggly and soft covering. Sew on some pretty buttons and you are all set. Since this is a pillow covering that can be removed, it is larger than the pillow itself. The finished size is approximately 12 inches wide X 30 inches long. This is designed to have a 12 X 12 inch pillow insert fit inside. However, the yarn will stretch a bit; therefore, you could fit a slightly larger pillow, but not by much. Varying the Size Make this crochet pillow cover wider or narrower by adding or subtracting stitches by 2. Add or reduce rows for altering the length. Lemonade Baby Soft Boucle 3 skeins or 360 yards Size J Crochet Hook "


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge13 stitches per 4 inches.

Finished SizeThe finished size is approximately 12 inches wide X 30 inches long. This is designed to have a 12 X 12 inch pillow insert fit inside. However, the yarn will stretch a bit; therefore, you could fit a slightly larger pillow, but not by much.

Materials List

  • Lemonade Baby Soft Boucle 3 skeins or 360 yards
  • Size J Crochet Hook
  • Yarn Needle
  • Scissors
  • 4 1 to 1.5 Inch Buttons
  • Sewing Needle
  • Thread

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