Big Argyle Basket


Big Argyle Basket

Big Argyle Basket
Big Argyle Basket

"Who else loves a big basket? One you can stuff many skeins of yarn into or maybe a few throw blankets? If you’re someone who likes that, then this basket is for you! It’s got so much space but the tapestry technique makes the basket itself super durable, so you can stuff so much yarn in there you might forget a WIP at the bottom. Caron One Pound was used to make the sample in the photos."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Size1 size: Height: 11.5" (row 23/ base to top of basket) | Diameter: 17.25" - 17.5" (when laid flat)

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The appearance of this alone is a reason to create this big argyle basket. Seeing it in the lap of the designer, WOW! This really is a really big basket. Purple will not fit into my color scheme but I can easily adjust that to make it a big piece of my decor. I can not wait to get started.

This is really a big basket. The design is timeless and I am sure I can find a corner to tuck this away into and fill it to the brim with all sorts of things. This tapestry crochet is very interesting and with the attached video I am sure I can get this made with little to no problems.


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