Strawberry Bee


Strawberry Bee

Strawberry Bee
Strawberry Bee

"This crochet bee works up quickly and is perfect for beginners. You can make a bunch of crochet bees in various different colors! My favorite to make is a pink crochet strawberry bee and yellow for a more natural look. I’ve also made a green ZomBEE plush! Have fun and experiment with all the crochet bees you can make with this pattern. This crochet mini bee pattern is free to use. I guess you could call it a freeBEE! …GET IT? #sorrynotsorry The mini bee fits in the palm of your hand and is perfect to crochet for last minute gifts and craft fairs. The crochet bee is 3 inches tall by 3 inches wide, and 3.5 inches long. This amigurumi bee pattern uses pink yarn to crochet a strawberry bee. Like I mentioned above, you can substitute the pink and make whatever color of crochet bee you want. It doesn’t have to be a strawberry bee!"


Crochet HookD/3 or 3.25 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge24 stitches x 24 rows = 4” in single crochet

Finished Size3" tall, 3" wide, and 3.5" long

Materials List

  • 1 120g ball of worsted Bernat Softee Baby Cotton in Petal (Duckling for a yellow bumblebee)
  • 1 50g ball of Bernat Handicrafter Cotton in White
  • 1 50g ball of Bernat Handicrafter Cotton in Black Licorice
  • Stuffing
  • Stitch Marker
  • Safety Eyes
  • Scissors
  • Darning Needle
  • Row Counter
Strawberry Bee

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