Adorable Baby Bunny


Adorable Baby Bunny

Adorable Baby Bunny
Adorable Baby Bunny

"Happy Spring Crocheters! This tiny little bunny amigurumi measures 3 inches tall X 2.25 inches wide (that’s including his ears!). He is pocket-sized and perfect for little hands to play with. Finished size: 3 inches tall X 2.25 inches wide Yarn Weight: Sport Weight [2]. I used Scheepjes Stone Washed. Hooks: 3.25 mm (D) for the main bunny and 2.25 mm (B) for his ears and arms. Quick and easy crochet amigurumi bunny project. Perfect for Easter, or for anyone who loves bunnies!"


Crochet HookB/1 or 2.25 mm hook, D/3 or 3.25 mm hook

Yarn Weight(2) Fine (23-26 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge5 stitches and 7 rows = 1 inch in sc

Finished Size3 inches tall X 2.25 inches wide

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