Completely Cozy Wraps to Crochet


Completely Cozy Wraps to Crochet

Completely Cozy Wraps to CrochetCompletely Cozy Wraps to Crochet
Gifted byLeisure Arts
Reviewed by Elena Hunt for

On cool evenings I grab my favorite crochet wrap and snuggle up with a good book or my latest crochet project. Now I have found 4 more great patterns to add to my crochet to-do list! Completely Cozy Wraps to Crochet by Shelle Hendrix Cain features plush and comfortable wraps that have a retro style. They are perfect for adding to your wardrobe or making for a friend.

Wraps are so trendy this season; they are easy to wear and will give your outfit a nice finished look. The Not-So-Granny Square Wrap on page 3 would look amazing with a pair of jeans and boots! I love the whimsical look of the Artistic Wrap on page 1; it will have people stopping you on the street to ask where you bought it. The Just For Me Wrap on page 2 has a nice subtle effect and would be perfect for sitting on the porch on a cool day. The Butterfly Wrap on page 8 has a simple elegance that will go with any outfit or would be perfect to give to someone in a care facility to keep them cozy.

As always, Leisure Arts has provided a great Basic Stitches & Technique guide in the back of the booklet and if you are a fan of Lion Brand Homespun Yarn® the patterns used in this booklet recommend this fun and fashionable yarn!. This will be another great pattern booklet to add to your crochet pattern library!

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