Zebra Finger Puppet


Zebra Finger Puppet

There's no need to go to the zoo when you have your very own Zebra Finger Puppet at home! Kids will have blast playing with this cute crochet toy. This is an easy crochet pattern to make, plus it's a great stash-buster project!


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Check out Tamara's designer profile and other great patterns!

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This is a tiny project, and a bit fiddly as you literally are changing colors every other round. If you could find some short stranded black and white yarn, you might possibly use that instead. The pattern is easy but it needs many more photos to guide the assembly. Its also available to print off or as a .pdf download. Dont forget to check out the rest of the patterns in the series.


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