On-The-Go Crochet Tote


On-The-Go Crochet Tote

The On-The-Go Crochet Tote is the perfect crochet pattern for the busy girl. It's just the right size to fit the daily necessities such as your keys, cells phone, and a few bucks. It features a cute button flap and a long strap so you can just throw it over your shoulder and hit the road. All you need is 2 colors of your favorite worsted weight yarn to work up this free crochet purse. You'll only use about half a skein of each color, so you'll have plenty of leftover yarn for other projects once you finish this one.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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