Vivo Dress


Vivo Dress

Vivo Dress_3
Vivo Dress

"The crochet Vivo Dress is the perfect garment pattern when you’re looking to make something you want to wear over & over. It’s the perfect pattern to make to get all the compliments “Did you really make that?”. Well, YES! The best thing about the crochet Vivo dress is that it’s easy to crochet. The pattern repeats a lot & it’s actually a lot easier to crochet than it might look. Fun fact! You can also wear it the opposite way & it will still look beautiful. That means 2 garments in 1."


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished SizeXS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL (4XL) 5XL

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I think I have found a new crochet website to follow. I am glad to see a designer that looks more like me when she models the clothes that she makes. This really is exciting and for this design I would have never thought about making it until I saw it modeled in my size.

Wow. There are a lot of helpful hints in making this Vivo dress. I love the pale green and I think it really looks nice on the designer. I think I would like to have it just a little longer in length though. I am really excited about this project and I hope that my item will look just as nice.

It's very nice but just not for me. This is the kind of dress that I'll show every lump or bump on my body. It's greet for thin gals. Plus the yarn alone would set me back about $50. Test a bit to harsh on my budget at this time in my life.

Boy, theres a lot to read on that blogger's page! I have been scrolling through and through and it is never ending until I finally get to the pattern. I am plus sized, so for someone like me I might need upwards of 14, 15 skeins of the Paintbox yarn to make this 90's inspired summertime dress. It would look cool with a simple tee underneath.


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