Rainbow Stripes Cardigan


Rainbow Stripes Cardigan

Rainbow Stripes Cardigan
Rainbow Stripes Cardigan

"This is an easy crochet cardigan that is worked in seperate pieces and a two-row repeat. I've used bobbles and loops instead of a button band/buttons and continued with bobbles around the sleeve cuff. Instead of a turning-chain I’ve used a stacked treble to begin the row. This gives a neat edge so there's no need to work an edging, however, if you prefer a more finished edge, you can work a row/round of UK double crochet / US single crochet. Materials needed: 4.5mm / US 7 Crochet Hook 5mm / US H-8 Crochet Hook Cygnet Tickly Tots DK S 1552, (M 1716, L 1907, XL 2030, 2X 2390, 3X 2660) yds Stitch Markers Scissors Measuring Tape Yarn Needle The pattern is written for sizes S to 3X in UK and US Crochet Terms. "


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook, H/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge15 stitches and 12 rows on a 4.5mm crochet hook

Finished SizeSize To Fit (inches) Finished Size (inches) Finished Size Length (inches) Amount of Yarn (yards) S 32 – 34 38.5 23 1552 M 36 – 38 42.5 24 1716 L 40 – 42 46.5 24.5 1907 XL 44 – 46 48.75 25.25 2030 2X 48 – 50 54 26 2390 3X 52 – 54 59.5 27 2660

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