Black Beauty Crochet Cape


Black Beauty Crochet Cape

Black Beauty Cape
Black Beauty Cape

This black crocheted cape is a lovely layering piece for the fall season. Just two balls of Red Heart Swanky and one ball of Red Heart Soft yarn is needed to complete this crochet cape. Both are nice, medium-weight yarns that are easy work with and care for. Plus, Swanky yarn even even has a bit of sparkle incorporated into it, which will set this crocheted cape apart from the other pieces in your closet. The pattern includes sizing directions for a small, medium, large, and extra large. *Thank you to users callmetaborri 0853999, Chappygurumi, silverniterider 2701654, nzski69, and sajames195 9874815 for helping us name this crochet pattern!


Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)


  • RED HEART® Boutique Swanky™: 2 balls 9012 Tuxedo A
  • RED HEART ® Soft®: 1 ball 4614 Black B
  • Susan Bates ® Crochet Hook: 6mm [US J-10]
  • Yarn needle
  • pompom maker or 2” (5 cm) piece of heavy cardboard

Directions are for size Small. Changes for sizes Medium, Large, and X-Large are in parentheses.

Cape measures 13½ (15, 16½, 18)” [34 (38, 42, 45.5) cm] at neck edge, 54 (60, 66, 72)” [137 (152.5, 167.5, 183) cm] at lower edge, and 12 (13, 14, 15)” [30.5 (33, 35.5, 38) cm] long including edging

16 sts = 4” (10 cm);
6 rows = 4” (10 cm) in double crochet.
CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain gauge

Picot = Ch 3, slip st in 3rd ch from the hook.

Join with sc = Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through both loops on hook.


Lower Section
With A, ch 55 (61, 67, 73).
Row 1 (right side): Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn—54 (60, 66, 72) hdc.
Row 2: Ch 6 (counts as first dc, ch 3 here and throughout), dc in next st, *ch 3, dc in next st; repeat from * across, turn—54 (60, 66, 72) dc and 53 (59, 65, 71) ch-3 spaces.
Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as first dc here and throughout), 3 dc in first ch-3 space, *ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 space; repeat from * across, dc in 3rd ch of beginning ch, turn—161 (182, 200, 218) dc and 52 (58, 64, 70) ch-1 spaces.
Row 4: Ch 6, dc in next ch-1 space, *ch 3, dc in next ch-1 space; repeat from * across, ch 3, dc in top of beginning ch, turn—54 (60, 66, 72) dc and 53 (59, 65, 71) ch-3 spaces.
Rows 5–16 (18, 20, 22): Repeat Rows 3 and 4 six (seven, eight, nine) times.
Fasten off.

Row 1 (right side): With right side facing, join B with slip st in first hdc of Row 1, ch 3, dc in each st across, turn—54 (60, 66, 72) dc.
Row 2–5: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn.
Fasten off.

Round 1: With right side of collar facing, join B with sc in any st at center of last row, sc in each st across; ch 51, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across (first tie made); working down first side, 2 sc in end of each row; working across last row of lower section, ch 3, (2 dc, picot, 2 dc) in each ch-3 space, ch 3, slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch; working up other side, 2 sc in end of each row; ch 51, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across (2nd tie made), sc in remaining sts; join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.

With a strand of A and B held together, following pompom maker directions, make two 2” (5 cm) pompoms or make pompoms as follows: Wrap yarn around 2” (5 cm) piece of heavy cardboard (the more wraps, the fuller the pompom). Gently remove wraps from cardboard. Cut a 12” (30.5 cm) length of B and tie it tightly around center of wraps. Do not cut the ends of this center tie. Cut ends of wraps. Fluff and trim pompom. Use ends of center tie to attach one pompom to end of each tie.
Weave in ends.



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I could really rock this look starting right now! How cute would this be in the spring or in the summer out on the boat or sitting lakeside with a breeze? It is an ideal look for inside the office, for a professional and polished look. It is so simple to make that the instructions are fully available above. Very few details. But it looks like a million bucks.

This Black Beauty Crochet Cape is cute. It is made of ordinary worsted yarn which is lightweight, suited for warmer months. The collar adds to the formal look of the cape. If I had to make this cape, I would like to make it longer and probably use double crochet or half double crochet to make the cape a bit denser. This cape will also look great in other solid colors or even in a multicolored yarn. Thanks for the free pattern which is easy to follow.

Open Block Stitch Shoulder Wrap

Holiday Glam!

Ravens Wing Caplet

I would name it Black Princess Cape

The Black Beauty Cape

The little black cape.


Senora Cape

Simple Black Tie Cape. It is elegant and looks like it can be worn to a black tie affair.

Batgirl Cape

"Midnight Magic" is what comes to my mind.

Fancy Free

I'd name this "Nona's Cape." I'd love to make this in another colour for my Aunty who turned 90 recently. She is a very fashionable, beautiful lady.

I like "Florence Nightingale Cape" name for this capelet. It has a vintage look.

The name I suggest is "Midnight Sonata". It has a classic appearance, and is definitely appropriate for those late evening events!

night rider

Midnight fantasy

Midnight Lace

Midnight LAce

The Audrey Cape

butterfly wings

midnight dream

No holds barred cape

Bewitching Hour

Starry Night capelet

"Collared Comfort Cape"

The name I thought of is "Cozy Comfort Cape".

Janite Regency cape.

Windows on my shoulders

Midnight Lace

I like "Beautiful Belle Cape" for the name.

My first thought was of "I Feel Pretty" from the Broadway show West Side Story. It is very pretty.

Reminds me of, "An Evening In Paris" capelet.

How about: Bewitching Hour Capelet.

This pattern says "music of the night capelet" to me

My suggestion: Black Collar Affair Cape

I think Black Beauty is appropriate.

Elegant Ebony Evening Wrap

Enchanted lace cape

As you're using Swanky yarn, I would suggest The Swanky Lace Cape.

"Audrey" I think of Audrey Hepburn when I look at this cape.

I would call it Andalusian Onyx Lace. It's absolutely a beautiful cape. I'll be making this very soon.

I would call this Black Magic Lace

Midnight Grace

Moonlight After Glow Cape

I would name it Black Beauty.

I think it looks like 'Midnight Magic'.

Vantablack Diversion

Warm glowing cape!

Black Magic Capelet

I would call it "Midnight in Paris"

new email is I can't change it on facebook unless i start a new account

My suggestion is "A Touch of Night Magic"

Fabulous 40's Capelet

Midnight Cuddle

Sophisticated Elegance Cape.

Anytime Anywhere Cape

I have two names: Angelic Shoulder Wrap or Swanky Shoulder Wrap.

Black Beauty Cape

Has anyone made the Medium size ? How big does it run ?

Black Beauty Shawl

Glitz & Glamour

A night out

Warm shoulder bliss

Essential Little Black Cape

The Autumn Splendor Cape.

Black Magic

My lady's capelette DM

Perfect hospital shawl shoulder cover for oncology patients,

Vintage Collared Cape

Midnight Magic

momma loves me.

Sparkling Windows Capelet


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