Zpagetti Yarn


Zpagetti Yarn

Zpagetti YarnZpagetti Yarn
Gifted by Lion Brand Yarns
Reviewed by Jeanette Benoit, Editor for AllFreeCrochet


Zpagetti Yarn by Lion Brand is a unique yarn that's created from remnants of recycled fabric. This bulky weight fabric yarn is available in solids and prints, and because of the repurposed nature of this product, every available yarn is a limited edition. Be sure to buy your favorite color and pattern when you see them, because Lion Brand is unable to accomodate specfic color requests; purchases made from their online store are selected at random. This also means that your creations with this unique yarn will always be truly one-of-a-kind.

Zpagetti yarn is easy to work with, but it's also a very dense yarn to work up because it is made from commercial fabric. There are a variety of projects you can make with this yarn, but it's ideal for home decor pattern such as baskets and bags. It's also really soft and comfortable, so it's also great for women's accessories including neckalces, headbands, and more.


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@Grandma Jacquie, Thanks for letting us know. It looks like the video is no longer available. We've removed it from our site. We apologize for any inconvenience, -the editors of AllFreeCrochet

Video won't run: says "This video is private"

Can't wait to try it! The possibilities are endless.

Wow. Can't wait to try it.


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