All-Purpose Striped Basket


This All-Purpose Striped Basket can be used for so many different things around the house. You could use this free crochet pattern as a toy basket for kids or pets, laundry basket for dirty clothes, or even a picnic basket during the warmer months. The colored stripes are a nice design element that can be customized to suit your own personal color preferences. Fabric lining (with or without fusible webbing) is optional, but it does make it sturdy enough for it to stand up on its own. Another option is to use starch as a stiffener.


Crochet HookE/4 or 3.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

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This basket looks awesome! Has anyone made it? How durable is it? Do you have any suggestions when reading the pattern? What I glanced over seems pretty straightforward, but sometimes when people have made the pattern they have notes. I will have to make this and see if it is as easy as it seems.

This basket looks so awesome. So pretty and so colorful. Very creative, I have to make one of these for myself one day soon. A combination of two skills sewing and crochet. The only thing holding me back from making this right now is my uncooperative sewing machine. Maybe when it is fixed.

This crochet basket pattern would make a great market bag! You could even make it easier by using a variegated yarn, rather than changing yarn color for each round. Just keep crocheting with the variegated yarn. The designer even gives you instructions in how to add a lining to the bag. Nicely done!

Hmmm...if I can get the handles sturdy enough it would be perfect for trips to the grocery, now that plastic bags are becoming scarce

I bet you could put pockets in the lining too

Adding pockets is a great idea!


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