Microwave Bowl Cozy


Microwave Bowl Cozy

Microwave Bowl Cozy
Microwave Bowl Cozy

"We’ve all been there… you heat up a bowl of chili, or soup, or other yummy leftovers from the night before, and the bowl is so hot you can hardly stand to touch it. You search for a dishcloth or a towel to scoop it up and cradle while you eat, but what if we had a crochet pattern specifically for this situation? Now we do! This quick and easy microwave bowl cozy crochet pattern is just that: quick and easy! At just twelve rows total, you’ll be finished crocheting and enjoying your microwaved bowl of soup, chili, or hot cereal in no time – and in style – all while protecting your hands from the searing heat of the bowl."


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished SizeOne Size

Materials List

  • Cotton yarn
  • Crochet hook in size I/5.5mm
  • Stitch Markers

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