Alpine Stitch Pumpkin


Alpine Stitch Pumpkin

Alpine Stitch Pumpkin
Alpine Stitch Pumpkin

"Fall is upon us which means it is time to break out the handmade crochet home decor! What screams fall more than a Crochet Pumpkin!? That is why I am so excited to share my New Free Crochet Pumpkin Pattern with you using Alpine Stitch Crochet! This quick crochet project is perfect to learn this beautiful textured crochet stitch on a small project! Once you make one off these cute farmhouse style pumpkins you won’t want to stop! Make them in any color foray time or season of the year!"


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge14 sts x 16 rows = 4” x 4” in pattern repeat.

Counting the Alpine Stitch is easiest by using the wrong side to count your rows and stitches.

Finished Size14" dia x 3.5" tall

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