Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Bag with Magnets


Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Bag with Magnets

Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Bag with Magnets
Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Bag with Magnets

"This Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Bag with Magnets is ideal for kids and when being on the road. The magnets prevent the game pieces from being moved and getting lost while playing. And after the game is done the game pieces are conveniently put inside the bag. There are only 3 stitches you will need to know: single crochet, double crochet and the surface crochet stitch. It is an easy and fast DIY project for the summer that get even your kids busy when they are bored."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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I love this project but have heard too many horror stories about little kids swallowing magnets. It would work just as well using Velco dots instead of the magnets. Just be sure to put the hook part on the OUTSIDE of the bag and the fuzzy part on the pieces themselves. If you really wanted to get ambitious, you could do this with a checkerboard as well.

There are times when we go out to dinner and there is a long wait either to get into the restaurant or while waiting for dinner. This would be the perfect item to bring out to keep the kids at bay while we wait. Who needs those electronic gadgets when you have tic tac toe?

For those of us that need to have entertainment in the car for those long road trips, this one is one to be at the top of the to crochet list. This is so simple and can provide hours of fun for the little ones and adults alike. It takes up little room and when it gets dirty, just toss it in the wash. Great travel toy to bring anywhere.


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