Alpine Paths Tote


Alpine Paths Tote

Alpine Paths Tote
Alpine Paths Tote

"The Alpine Paths Tote is adorable and perfect for so many different uses! Measuring approximately 13” x 12.5” x 4.5”, this tote can easily hold any essentials (and non essentials)! Large enough to hold a project, supplies, and a large skein of yarn, the Alpine Paths Tote is also the perfect size for a project bag. A pattern with beautiful texture that is simple and easy to work on while watching TV! Difficulty: Beginner/Advanced Beginner Stitches used: dc, hdc, alpine (fpdc, dc) This pattern has been tested for clarity and accuracy."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge15 stitches x 8 rows = 4" in dc

Finished Size13” x 12.5” x 4.5”

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Ok, just looked at the pattern directions. I'm already lost in Row 1. I get how many to chain, and then I get the 1st part of dc in 3rd chain from hook, then do 29 more in each chain, and then 3 in the last chain. But then you lose me at "29 dc in other side of ch sts, slp st to top of 1st st. (64). Please explain? And then in Row 2, I'm guessing when you say, e.g., "2 dc in next 2 sts" you mean 2 dc in EACH of the next 2 sts, etc.? (Remember, I'm a beginner!) And also I'm really, really lost on the bag strap. Is that made separately and sl st to each end? Or started after the last row is sl st to the 1st st? I'd really like to make this, but as a novice beginner, I'm having trouble reading the pattern.

Hi kentuckywoman it can be difficult to get used to reading patterns as a beginner Im not the designer of the pattern so I am not certain but I will try my best to answer your questions After the dc in the last st it seems as though you should turn the work around and begin stitching on the other side of the chain stitches resulting in dc stitches on both sides of the chains Then in Row dc in next sts seems to mean to work dc in each of the next two stitches so dc across the two stitches The strap is not made separately from the bagonce you finish the body of the bag you will not end your yarn but sl st to the first st of the last row in the body of the bag Then you will continue on to the row of the bagRead More strap section I hope this all helps Laura editor of AllFreeCrochet

Question I'm a beginner, so what kind of yarn is best for this? 100% Cotton? 100% Acrylic? Cotton blend? What did you use for this?

Hi kentuckywoman2, the designer does not specify what type of yarn was used for this bag, but cotton yarn tends to work well for bags since it is durable, washable, and keeps its shape nicely. I hope this helps! Laura, editor of AllFreeCrochet

I think anything that is a 4 weight will work. You can always line the bag with material if the yarn has too much stretch.

I am not happy with designers that purport to have free patterns, but then you are not allowed to copy the patterns from their website.

Can you save it to Pocket? That's what I usually do when I find a pattern I'd like to try.


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