Easy Elephant Ragdoll Crochet Pattern


Easy Elephant Ragdoll Crochet Pattern

Easy Elephant Ragdoll Crochet Pattern
Easy Elephant Ragdoll Crochet Pattern

This quick and easy elephant ragdoll crochet pattern will help you add to your amigurumi zoo! All the kids in your life will love this precious pachyderm made with super soft blanket yarn! And, depending on your audience, you can place the bow on the elephant’s head or neck, making it a versatile gift for a boy or a girl. Whether you hook an Ellie or an Elmer, your elephant will only take a couple hours to crochet, ensuring it becomes a go-to gift for both a new baby girl as well as her big brother.


Crochet HookM/13 or 9 mm hook

Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Finished SizeAbout 14” tall x 12” wide when laid flat.

Materials List

  • Super bulky (size 6) Bernat yarn in gray, pink, and blue
  • About 100 yards of super bulky gray and less than 10 yards each of the blue and pink
  • Just few yards of regular worsted weight yarn in black for the features
  • Small amount of Fiberfil stuffing
  • Basic tool kit (scissors, tape measure, tapestry needle)

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When I consider amigurumi patterns I thing about crocheting in circles. This would be a nice break to the traditional amigurumi patters. This little guy puts me in the mind of Babar.

Wow. It has been a minute since I have heard the term rag doll. I would put this little elephant rag doll in the same category of a lovey and I am sure your little one would appreciate have one made just for him or her.

I like this elephant ragdoll. I love how the pink ears and the blue ribbon to lighten up the drab gray color of the elephant body. I think this is very easy to do and will make a perfect gift for kids.

This is perfect for one of my little grandsons. He fell in love with elephants at the circus, and has been fascinated by them ever since. But just dont refer to something like this as a DOLL. Since the new adaptation of Disneys Dumbo is coming out soon, I might see about enlarging the ears. According to the pattern, I should be able to add a few more rows.


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