Baby Rainbow Sampler Blanket


Baby Rainbow Sampler Blanket

Baby Rainbow Sampler Blanket
Baby Rainbow Sampler Blanket

"The Baby Rainbow Sampler Blanket contains all the versatility of the original version in a smaller size. 13 different stitch patterns make this blanket the perfect learning project for any ambitious beginner who wants to venture into some new stitches and create something colourful in the process. I've created two colourways for this blanket. The pastel version of the original blanket, and a rainbow version! Both colourways follow the same pattern, but they do use different amounts of each colour."


Crochet HookE/4 or 3.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Size120 x 87cm (47 x 34in)

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