Double Strapped Baby Mary Janes


Double Strapped Baby Mary Janes

Your baby might end up on the cover of Vogue wearing these Double Strapped Baby Mary Janes. Seriously, these crochet baby booties are perfect for a fashionista-in-training. Work up these perfect crochet baby shoes which have very grown-up details, like a double strap, adorable soles and cute button details. These crochet mary janes are perfect for special occasions like religious rites, weddings, parties, and more.


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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These tiny shoes are too cute! Your little one will be the most stylish baby on the playground once you're finished with a pair of these crochet booties.

ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to make these!


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