Baby Bunting Blanket


Baby Bunting Blanket

Baby Bunting Blanket
Baby Bunting Blanket

"The Baby Bunting Blanket is the perfect summer blanket for baby, or anytime just a light weight blanket is needed. This blanket is made from sport weight yarn, so it is not heavy or bulky. The blanket is so named because of the triangle stitch pattern that resembles a row of bunting. The pattern as written makes a blanket that measures 32 inches by 36 inches, but it is easy to customize to any size. This blanket would be a beautiful handmade gift at a baby shower."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(2) Fine (23-26 stitches to 4 inches)

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This blanket looks amazing! I love the look, it looks like triangles. This would be the perfect gift for any new baby! I am not overly fond of the color used here, but you can choose any color you want, which is what makes crochet so awesome. I am always looking for beautiful new pieces like this one.

The photos for this project just do not do it justice. The lighting is off, and the variegated pastel yarn makes it hard to see the stitch pattern. I worked a part of this up in a solid pastel, and it was much, much prettier in person. Do consider this project if youre looking for a baby blanket, and please dont be deterred by the photos.


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