Bad Hair Day Beanie


Bad Hair Day Beanie

Bad Hair Day Beanie
Bad Hair Day Beanie

Bad hair days: we've all been there. Whether you oversleep or just don't feel like doing your hair, sometimes you just need that one trusty crochet hat you can grab to hide your hair. The Bad Hair Day Beanie is designed for such days! The over-sized slouchy design of this crocheted hat means you can easily shove your hair up inside the hat to hide it. Just one skein of worsted weight yarn is used to work up this free crochet hat pattern (Red Heart Boutique is shown here). Feel free to add embellishments to make it your own, such as a crochet flower, heart, or bow.


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook, J/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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